A Family Agreement is a great way of talking about online safety and how to use the internet in a positive way. Establishing an agreement together can help your child understand how to communicate safely and appropriately online and learn what to do if they find themselves in a challenging or unpleasant situation. It will also provide an opportunity for your child to decide who they should go and tell if something confusing or unpleasant happens online. We refer to this person as a trusted adult. These are people they already know, and they could be another relative, teacher, a youth leader or key support worker. If clearly displayed with whatever communication method works best for your child, be it written form or symbol aids, a family agreement can really help to reinforce and remind your child of the important things they need to know.
Help and Advice
Supporting young people with SEND online
Set up a family agreement together.
A Family Agreement is a great way of talking about online safety and how to use the internet in a positive way.