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Resources Digiduck Stories

Detective Digiduck

The third story in the Digiduck® series, focussing on reliability of online information.

The third story in the Digiduck® series, focussing on reliability of online information. The aim is to encourage young children to start to think about online content, and help them to understand that what they read or see online might be true, untrue, or someone’s opinion.

Would you believe your eyes if you came face-to-face with a dragon in the forest? Digiduck® finds some amazing animal facts online but is surprised to discover they may need checking. Searching the internet for information can be tricky, so Wise_Owl swoops in with a plan to put everything right.

Below you will find:

  1. Free to download copies of the full story in English and Welsh
  2. A video and recording of the story being read by the author, Lindsay Buck
  3. An e-book of the story in English

Download the story in English and Welsh:

Read Detective Digiduck in Greek, published by

Listen as the author, Lindsay Buck reads the story

With thanks to Natterhub for their support in the production of this recording

Read Digiduck® online here:

  • UK Safer Internet Centre As part of our work in the UK Safer Internet Centre
  • Connecting Europe Facility of European Union Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of European Union