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Resources Digiduck Stories

Digiduck’s Big Decision

A story for 3 to 7 year olds about being a good friend to others on the internet.

An engaging online safety story for young children

Help arrives just in time for Digiduck® when faced with a difficult decision! Follow Digiduck® and his pals in this story of friendship and responsibility online.

The Digiduck® collection has been created to help parents and teachers educate children aged 3 – 7 about how to be a good friend online. The collection now includes a book, PDF, poster and interactive app.

Read Digiduck’s Big Decision in Greek, published by

Read Digiduck’s Big Decision in Norwegian, published by Medietilsynet Tryggbruk.

Read Digiduck’s Big Decision in Spanish, published by Foro Generaciones Interactivas.

Read Digiduck® online here:

The app for tablets has been produced in partnership with Internet Matters, an organisation that offers resources and expert advice to help parents keep children safe online. Visit the site to learn more.

Buy Digiduck® books

Printed copies of Digiduck’s Big Decision can be purchased through our online store.

Digiduck® Poster

Digiduck® offers some useful advice on how to look after yourself and your friends online.

Download the A3 poster below or you can buy it from our shop.

  • UK Safer Internet Centre As part of our work in the UK Safer Internet Centre
  • Connecting Europe Facility of European Union Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of European Union