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Phoebe joins Childnet as Education Officer

1 December 2017

We’re delighted to welcome Phoebe as the newest member of the Childnet team! We caught up with her to find out a bit more her new role as Education Officer here at Childnet.

What did you do before coming to Childnet?

I worked as a youth worker chaplain in a primary school, secondary school and sixth form where I was primarily responsible for shared values and ethos. It was great working with young people of all ages, and I would regularly lead assemblies, lessons, extra-curricular events, and fundraising activities. The most important part of my role was being a part of the pastoral team, where I was able to listen to and support young people going through all kinds of situations.

How will this help you in your new role?

I’ve learnt that there is never a dull moment working in schools and I suspect it will be just the same in my new role at Childnet! I’d hope that my skills and experience in developing resources and presenting them to different groups of young people in a range of settings would help me get off to a good start.

What has your favourite part of training been so far?

I’ve really enjoyed getting to know the team, everyone has been very friendly and patient as I begin to get to grips with my new role. I’ve also loved visiting different schools to see first-hand how well pupils respond to the Childnet message.

What part of working at Childnet are you most looking forward to?

I love working with children and young people, so, of course, I’m most looking forward to getting out of the office and encouraging, informing and challenging young people, staff, and parents on all aspects of online activity. I’m also excited about contributing to the different projects Childnet are currently running and making my mark on the ones that are still in development, so watch this space!

What is your online safety top tip?

My top online safety tip is to remember than you are in control of your online activity, it’s not in control of you! If you ever feel uneasy online there are lots of things you can do to help but most importantly share how you are feeling with someone you trust.

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