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Youth Advisory Board 2019-2020


Hi, my name is Anisa and I am currently 15 years old studying for my upcoming GCSE’s. I’m pretty much your typical girl who loves to laugh, and gets on with everyone. I decided to apply to join the Youth Board as a way to not only help support young people in a positive manner, but also meet new people and make new friends. Being part of the deSHAME project is not only an amazing opportunity; it also helps raise awareness of a topic often not talked about. Sexual harassment is more common than it seems and this project helps raise awareness of the issue and how to deal with it too.

Hi, my name is Anisa and I am currently 15 years old studying for my upcoming GCSE’s. I’m pretty much your typical girl who loves to laugh, and gets on with everyone. I decided to apply to join the Youth Board as a way to not only help support young people in a positive manner, but also meet new people and make new friends. Being part of the deSHAME project is not only an amazing opportunity; it also helps raise awareness of a topic often not talked about. Sexual harassment is more common than it seems and this project helps raise awareness of the issue and how to deal with it too.