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Who we are

Vision and values

Childnet International’s vision and values

Since 1995 Childnet has sought to keep children and young people at the heart of all that we do. Our work seeks to respond to the risks and challenges that children and young people may encounter online, working to make the internet a great and safe place for all children and young people.

 In all of Childnet’s work we seek to ensure that:

  1. all young people are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the online environment safely and responsibly, so they can look after themselves and others; and that those who support childrenare equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to to help them make the most out of their time online.
  2. those involved in developing and providing, and those regulating the internet and new technologies recognise and implement policies and programmes which prioritise the rights of children so that their interests are both promoted and protected

We seek to maintain a culture of care and support between children, and those who work for them, was well as the organisations, institutions, providers and governments that operate around them. In this we seek to maintain an uncompromising commitment to protecting the interests of children and young people, challenging the services that impact them.

At Childnet there are 10 key principles underpinning all of our work. These principles ensure we:

Whether a new strategy, project, or policy, in all of our work we constantly ask what the impact will be on children and young people. We seek to include the views and the voice of children in all of our work and ensure that youth voice is listened to and included in the work of others. We support the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. 

Throughout all that we do we make sure to promote and highlight the incredible opportunities and positive elements that the internet and technology offers children and young people, whilst also acknowledging and  responding to the potential risks and online harms.

We seek to work collaboratively, working in partnership with various user groups and stakeholders, including children, parents and carers, child welfare agencies, industry, police, government and policymakers. We seek to work with all sectors as a catalyst for positive change and action.

All of Childnet’s work – across education, policy and youth engagement – must be informed by the latest relevant research, and from regular input from our key target audiences, including children and young people and parents and carers.

We are an independent organisation and a trusted source of impartial advice.  Our independence is central to our values, and we do not and cannot endorse or represent commercial products to maintain the integrity of our voice.

At Childnet we seek to ensure that our work is representative and inclusive of all young people across the UK. We strive to ensure that the tone, content and delivery of all resources, education sessions and written materials is accessible for all young people that we work with regardless of their ethnicity, disability, cultural or economic background, sexuality, race, or gender identity.

The internet is international, transcending geographical boundaries, and so too are its opportunities and risks. Childnet is pleased to work in partnership with those across the world in the pursuit of our mission.

The internet provides a great opportunity for adults and children to have voice. We value and encourage this opportunity, but where that right seems to conflict with protecting a child from exploitation or harm, we believe the welfare of the child must be paramount.

Childnet strive to achieve excellence in all areas of our work. In our work we also seek to innovate, working in a transparent way, with integrity and accountability. At all stages of our work we seek feedback and carry out evaluations with relevant stakeholders or audiences. As a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee our accounts are independently audited and lodged with Companies House in the UK and the Charity Commission.

Childnet seeks to lead and respond quickly on new trends, topics, website and emerging issues. Keeping up to date with the way the internet evolves allows us to provide exciting and timely resources, updates and responses in order to allow young people to make the most out of their online lives, and to empower the adults who support them to do so.