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Childnet Film Competition winner 2015: Guest Blog

12 May 2016

Last year Keith Chirozva took first place in the secondary category of the Childnet Film Competition with his film We have a choice to make a better internet.

He was such an inspiring and talented animator we invited him back to be a judge in this year’s competition.

Ahead of the finalist’s event in July we catch-up with Keith to find out what he’s been up to and what he is looking for in a film competition winning entry.

Guest Blog:

My name is Keith Chirozva, I’m 19 and last year when I entered the film competition, I was placed first within the Secondary category. I honestly couldn’t believe it the first time I got told that I was in the top 3 so I had to go. It was such a memorable experience that I’ve decided to attend again but as a judge this year.

When the competition was announced at my school, it was something that I quickly gained interest in. The topic reflects how people my age, or younger, use the internet without realising that it’s up to us, the users, to make it better; hence the title ‘A Better Internet Is Up to Us’. I felt it was a powerful message that young people can really learn from.

Before creating my video, I looked through the Childnet website for inspiration. I, however, wanted to create something different which is why I opted for an animation instead of a live action film. All the positive feedback I received and myself coming first in the competition has given me the confidence to choose to study animation at University.

The competition picks topics that will be appropriate for that time and the age categories. Young people will be able to relate to the topics and feel confident because it will be along the lines of something they know and comfortable in doing. Furthermore, the fact that it is a competition at the end of the day, allows for the young people to put that much more effort in producing their film in order to win. It’s a fun and engaging way to learn and meet new people; perhaps through this, they can find a hidden talent in film making.

As a judge this year, I will be looking for a film that is entertaining while also sticking to the ‘Shine Online’ theme and sending a strong message across. Competitors mustn’t be afraid to try something new as long as it’s relevant to the theme.

My film took hours of dedication with things not always going to plan but it was all worth the effort in the end.

Watch Keith’s film here…

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