Safer Internet Day 2016 was the biggest yet!
Over 1100 organisations got involved running Safer Internet Day activities and ensuring the SID messages reached as many people as possible. Hundreds of organisations and individuals supported the #SID2016 social media campaign to play your part and #shareaheart and schools across the UK used the UK Safer Internet Centre’s Education Packs and Safer Internet Day TV to run Safer Internet Day activities.
As a result Safer Internet Day reached 2.8 million children and 2.5 million parents!
As an evaluation survey undertaken by Populus found (full report to be published soon), 2 in 5 young people (8 – 17s) and 1 in 5 parents heard about Safer Internet Day, double the reach of 2014!
What really stood out was that Safer Internet Day had a real impact on young people’s behaviour. Of the young people that heard about SID, 87% said they felt more confident about what to if they are concerned about something online and 68% talked to someone in their family about using the internet safely as a result. Parents also went on to take action after finding out about Safer Internet Day, with 62% of parents of 8-17s saying they talked to someone in their family about staying safe online and 42% saying they looked for more information about staying safe online.
Here’s some of the Safer Internet Day highlights: