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Know IT All for Parents

A unique interactive e-safety guide containing advice and information for parents and carers.

Please note this resource has now been archived. To access new resources please check out our resource page and our ‘Online Safety in the Computing Curriculum’ Guide.

Know IT All for Parents is a unique interactive e-safety guide for parents and carers produced by Childnet International. It’s designed to really help you as a parent or carer keep up to date with how children are using the internet, and support them in using these new exciting services safely and responsibly.

We’ve tried to make this resource as accessible and practical as possible, and there’s a whole wealth of detailed information on a wide range of issues.

There are also lots of leaflets and guides for you to download in our resource centre.

However if you’re busy and just want a quick overview, select quick overview in the menu for a short presentation. This is in English, Arabic, Bengali Gujarati, Mandarin, Polish, Punjabi, Urdu and Welsh. The summary information and the advice for younger children is also in British Sign Language.

Keeping up to date with how young people are using this amazing new technology is challenging but it is vital that we do.

Watch the interactive presentation: