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Know IT All for Primary

Know IT All for Primary school teachers is designed to help teachers and pupils understand important e-safety issues.

Please note this resource has now been archived. To access new resources please check out our resource page and our ‘Online Safety in the Computing Curriculum’ Guide.

Know IT All for Primary school teachers is an award winning resource designed especially for primary school staff to help them understand important e-safety issues and how to get the most out of the internet.

Teachers presentation

Presented by primary school teaching staff, the video tutorials cover a range of e-safety issues including:

  • E-safety as a whole school issue
  • Protecting myself as a professional
  • Helping parents protect their children online
  • E-safety and children with Special Education Needs (SEN)
  • Handling disclosures

The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew

Know IT All for Primary also contains a specially designed 5 part animation called The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew. This film covers Childnet’s 5 SMART rules which have been proven to be effective in helping younger children understand the importance of keeping safe online. The cartoon will appeal to both younger children (6 and 7) as well as right up to 11 year olds and can be shown in its entirety (15 minutes) or as individual chapters. There are a range of follow up activities that you can download.

Captain Kara Downloads: