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Resources Crossing the Line: PSHE toolkit

About this toolkit

This toolkit is comprised of four films and accompanying lesson plans which explore the idea of ‘Crossing the line’.

This toolkit is comprised of four films and accompanying lesson plans which explore the idea of ‘Crossing the line’. Young people like to push boundaries, and at times they might take a joke too far or engage in risky behaviour online. From behind a screen, they can’t always predict the consequences of their actions. Through discussion and activities, this toolkit challenges young people to not only reflect on their own behaviour online and discover what ‘crosses the line’ for them, but so they also know who and how to report when/if aspects of their online lives go wrong.

The purpose of this toolkit is to help educators generate discussion among young people about their online experience. Using the short films as a spring board, the toolkit covers relevant topics such as cyberbullying, sexting, peer pressure and self-esteem.

This toolkit is primarily to be used with young people from Key Stage 3 (11-14 year olds), however feedback from teachers have outlined some activities (noted on the matrix with a diamond symbol) may be suitable for a mature upper key stage 2 class (10-11 year olds). Please check the activities in advance to ensure it is appropriate for your year group. The films have also been rated by the BBFC but we advise you watch the films in advance to ensure it is suitable for your group.

This toolkit has been designed to suit the needs of different educators. Although not designed as an assembly resource, educators can be selective in the activities they use according to their PSHE timetable. For example, should you have a 40 minute PSHE lesson, 15 minute’s tutor time, or if you lead a youth group, there are different aspects of this toolkit that you can use.

If your school doesn’t have a dedicated PSHE lesson, many of the topics and learning outcomes from this toolkit cover aspects of the Computing curriculum. This curriculum requires key stage 3 students to be taught to understand:

– How to use a range of technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely.

– How to recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct.

– How to report concerns.

For more information about this toolkit, read the guidance for educators section to find FAQs and supportive background information on each topic.