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Film Competition 2022 Arty Announcement
Our Projects

Childnet Film Competition

Make sure your school or youth group joins our celebration of creativity, filmmaking and online safety!

Childnet invites all UK based schools and youth groups to enter the Childnet Film Competition 2022!

Open to all UK based young people aged 7-18, schools and youth groups are invited to create a two minute film or storyboard in response to the competition theme:

All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online. What can we all do to play our part?

The challenge is to create a film that promotes positive use of the internet which can help other young people stay safe online.

There are four categories to enter this year – simply click on your chosen category below to find out more:

  1. Primary Category (7-11)
  2. Secondary Category (11-18)
  3. Solo Category (16-18)
  4. Storyboard Category

The competition is now OPEN. Groups and individuals have until Wednesday 8th June 2022 to enter. The winners will be announced on Wednesday 13th July 2022.

Educators or group leaders must submit entries on behalf of schools or youth groups, while individuals will need an educator, parent or carer to send their entries. Films and entry documents can be submitted using WeTransfer or Dropbox. Please send these to

Film Competition is delivered as part of Childnet’s work in the UK Safer Internet Centre, which is now co-funded by Nominetwith additional support from the Motion Picture Association.

Film Competition logos

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