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Film Competition 2020

Storyboard Winner

Flossie told us more about her storyboard:

Amazing young people across the UK created their own storyboards on this year’s theme:

We want an internet where we’re free to…

The winner for the 2020 Film Competition Storyboard Category is Flossie from Bridport primary.

Flossie told us more about her storyboard:

I decided to enter this category because my school (Bridport primary) sent me a link to your website and suggested that we enter the Childnet Film Competition. I had a look on the website and decided to enter the storyboard category because I love drawing and art.
I decided to base it on Cinderella because everyone knows the story well and it seemed easy to put a twist to it relating to the theme. I enjoyed creating something big and learning how to do new things also it made us all laugh dressing up the toys! Plus being on the computer without my parents moaning!
(The key message is that) You shouldn’t feel like you’re being controlled by someone who you don’t even know, you show the real you. You don’t have to hide. Be yourself. Be kind. Don’t say anything online to other people online that your nan wouldn’t appreciate.

View the winning storyboard: