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Meet the judges

Mark Reid

Education, British Film Institute Mark, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do at the BFI? I’ve been at the BFI for a long time – more than 20 years. before that I was a teacher. I’ve always wanted to work in education somehow, and this is a great job So […]

Education, British Film Institute

Mark, can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do at the BFI?

I’ve been at the BFI for a long time – more than 20 years. before that I was a teacher. I’ve always wanted to work in education somehow, and this is a great job

So what do you enjoy most about your job?

I love the variety – I might be working with international partners, or writing courses for adults, or teaching trainee teachers – every day is different

What would you say are your top 3 things to remember when making a film?

I think remember what film does best – it uses time, light, pictures and sounds; it doesn’t need lots of dialogue. Try and tell your story using those elements, rather than have characters ‘tell us the story.’

So, what do you think makes a film ‘stand out’?

Strong images every time; different angles or perspectives on things we think we know or understand.

Why do you think film is such a great way of getting important messages across?

Film is immediate, it can show things directly, it builds empathy

And what advice do you have for someone about to make a short film?

Keep it simple, few locations, maybe only one, a single timeframe, don’t jump about too juch, and show more than tell – try not to use too much dialogue.

Finally, can you tell us about the first time you went to the cinema?

I saw Jungle Book when I was 5, with two younger sisters and my dad; it was the only time I ever went to the cinema with my dad. Come to think of it, I’ve never been with my mum!