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Who do you ‘meet’ online – new video lesson for use with 6-9 year olds

29 April 2020

We have just launched the latest of our free video resources which families can use together over the coming weeks.

We’ve created these easy-to-follow videos that you can do at home. Each week we will release a new one to do with your child. We have put together this blog to take a closer look at the latest lesson which revolves around ‘meeting’ online.

What are the SMART with a heart video lessons?

The SMART with a heart video lessons are a series of six interactive videos. Each one works through one of our SMART rules to introduce simple online safety advice to children and their families.

Who are they designed for?

All the videos are designed for children aged 6-9 years old who should work through them with an adult. We want them to be a fun way of starting important conversations about how to use the internet safely and positively at home.

What does the latest lesson cover?

The M rule is a really important one because it’s all about online communication, and the types of people that young people will meet online. It helps children recognise that some of the people they talk to online may be strangers and gives parents some easy-to-follow advice on how to manage this at home. It also talks about the fantastic work of CEOP and signposts families to the ThinkUKnow website.

What does someone need to complete it?

If you’re a parent, all you need is your child and a device that can access the internet and play sound! It might be useful to have a pen and paper to hand (in case you want to note anything down) but you don’t need anything else.

What do parents and carers need to know before starting?

Nothing! The video does all the hard work for you – delivering key advice and opening up conversations about your child’s online life. If you want to feel extra prepared, our hot topic on Online Grooming is written to support parents and carers with this particular area and includes top tips and conversation starters to use with children of different ages.

Are there any related resources you would recommend for parents to follow up with?

There’s another four videos still to be released in this series, so definitely look out for those. In the meantime, you can also take a look at the ‘Get Answers’ section of our website written specifically for primary aged children. Each section includes a short quiz which you could do together with your child. Alternatively, something like the Family Agreement is a great way to build on the conversations started here, and if you enjoy the video, we have a range of other online safety activities you can do from home available on our website.

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